This service, which is provided by Smart Girls Productions, consists of an Email Marketing Campaign to both Agents and Managers for Actors. We call it a Booty Kicker because you’re going for both at once and that tells us your ready to kick butt in your career!
For your Booty Kicker, you are interviewed via an extensive online Actor Profile about all aspects of your acting career. From your answers along with your links, resume, and headshots, we will write your Email Cover Letter for your approval.
Meanwhile, we will compose lists of 60 agents and 60 managers selected according to the appropriate level for you.
Upon completion of the process, you’ll get your Email Cover Letter, the list of 60 Agents with their emails and 60 Managers, along with a set of Follow Up Email Templates. You’ll also get access to the Actor Marketing Green Room where you will find tips on all aspects of the Marketing Process.
All instructions are given to you to follow upon placing your order. Once you have placed your order, you will Get Instant Access to the Green Room with Insider Marketing Secrets and instructions on filling out the complete Actor Profile telling us all about you and lots of other things!
If you have any issue, you are welcome to email us at or call 818/907-6511. We look forward to working with you!
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