How To Write More Authentic Characters In Your Screenplay

What is your true aspiration around screenwriting? Whatever it may be, I’m sure you know it’s super competitive for everything related to it. And the more the years go by that I’ve had my business of helping screenwriters reach their script’s potential, the more I realize that your script MUST be as absolutely good as possible and be ready for the rare change you get someone to seriously consider it. You can’t make some love your script or buy it, but you CAN do whatever is possible to KNOW that you’ve given it your best shot.

To that end, here’s a video on How To Create More Authentic Characters in Your Screenplay.   The point being, I will assess where your script is and how to make it as good as it can be… and really fulfill its potential.

Also, if you’re ready to get honest, supportive professional feedback, then let’s chat and see if I’m a good fit for you to have me do it.

If you’re the type who welcomes feedback and truly wants your script to be its best, I would love to work with you!

Call me if you want to discuss it first at 818/907-6511 or email me at

Dr. Melody Jackson is the founder of the Hollywood Business School, for Screenwriters Who Mean Business. In this video, Melody discusses what it takes for a screenwriter to create authentic characters in your script. Melody has read and reviewed literally thousands of screenplays and too often the characters sound plastic, stilted, unreal, and uninteresting. Applying this simple and powerful tip to your screenwriting, can take it up to a whole new level of awesome!
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