Featured Articles & Posts

The more tools you have and the more you understand about the business culture of Hollywood — the great, the good, the bad, and the ugly — the better chance you will have to live your Hollywood dream.

Let Missed Opportunities Motivate You To Your Next One

Have you ever questioned yourself about whether you made the right decision? Or whether you did something at the right time? Whether you are an ...
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Three Reasons So Many Crappy Movies Get Made

A Screenwriter asked me a question the other day that I hear frequently: HOW in the world do so many BAD movies get made?  How ...
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Networking in Hollywood: A Simple Way to To Start a Conversation

Becoming masterful at networking in Hollywood is that you don’t have to learn an entirely new skill set that only applies to the film & ...
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How To Write More Authentic Characters In Your Screenplay

What is your true aspiration around screenwriting? Whatever it may be, I’m sure you know it’s super competitive for everything related to it. And the ...
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Screenplay Contests: Up Your Game With a Win

When Hollywood’s Award Season rolls around, if you’re like most aspiring screenwriters, you can’t help but hope that one day you might be getting some ...
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How To Follow-Up With Someone You Didn’t Get to Meet Personally at A Networking Event

Many actors and screenwriters who are working or aspiring to do so in Hollywood realize that networking is a very important aspect of developing a ...
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Ready To Stretch Yourself?

In crazy times, it seems so often that things get stranger before they get better. And sometimes, in the middle of it, good things happen ...
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A Simple Rule for an Actor Brand You Love

Ever feel like you blend in? Like you’re not sure what to do to set yourself apart as an actor in Hollywood? It’s time to Brand ...
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Should Screenwriters Target Agents or Producers First?

Screenwriters often hear “You need to get an agent to sell your screenplay. That’s the only way it will happen.” And because they hear that, ...
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Sexual Harassment, Inequality & Multi-Million Dollar Paydays for Movie Stars (Part 1)

When it came out recently that Kevin Spacey was guilty of sexual misconduct, he had been working in on the film “All the Money in ...
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Pushing Through the Stuff in Your Head, Focusing on Your Commitment

Recently, I had planned to give a speech at my Toastmaster’s club (a large, non-profit org for public speaking). I had signed up to repeat ...
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How Screenwriting Is Like Homemade Wine and Why Most Writers Think Their Script is Better Than It Is

How great is your script…. really? As far as I can tell, 95% of the screenwriters I speak with think their content is superior to ...
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